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Thank you for applying to the New Way Sport Fund!

There are three primary goals of this fund.


  • We strive to provide an inclusive, transparent, and accessible funding opportunity for small organizations that are using sport as a tool for positive social change. Parameters for what classifies a small organization, include: (1) an operating budget of 100,000 USD or less, and (2) no more than five full time employees.


  • We seek to fund initiatives to address organizational needs and increase organizational sustainability over time.


  • As part of a research project, this fund is designed to help us learn from organizational leaders how to improve funding practices for organizations who use sport as a tool for positive social change.

How to Apply

Step 1

Review the parameters for application and the funding description.

Step 3

Complete the application offline. Save a copy of your budget table in a separate PDF to upload in your submission.

Step 2

Download the application to review and complete offline.

Step 4

Submit your application material in the form linked below by July 14th at 22:00 EST.


For more information: 
Please contact NWSF Executive Director, Dr. Ashlyn Hardie at

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